domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The Last Song

The book I've most enjoyed reading recently was  Last Song, by Nicholas Sparks. I read this book with my two best friends C and I while my grade was on the Washington trip. We had a lot of time to read. I think this is a reason why I enjoyed this book so much. We had hours to read and I enjoyed reading it with patience and calmness. The Last Song is a romantic and sad story. This story talks about the story of Ronnie's summer at her father house. She didn’t want to go from the beginning; her father left her and her brother that broke her heart. Living with her dad for a whole summer lead her to connect again with her father, and find true love. I managed to finish the book before seeing the movie. After seeing the movie I realized how I enjoyed the book much more than the movie. The book was much more detailed, and more exiting. I recommend this book to people who have trouble reading because it’s a book that is not hard to read at all. I found this book a bit slow, it took some time for the author to get to the point. Which means, I don’t recommend this book to any one who doesn’t like slow books. I really like reading Sparks book and plan on reading another one for silent reading.

Human Rights

Recently there was a suicide of three kids in the US that killed themselves. They killed themselves because they were bullied because they were gay. Should children have the right to be gay? And choose there own decision? Yes. Children and adolescents should be able to choose to be gay or straight. If one has the right to choose the religion they'll follow why shouldn't humans have the right to choose their life partners. Human rights is a major general issue all over the world. The MUN model united nation is fighting for peace and rights in many places around the world. Some issues are: the right to be gay, women's rights, racism, and many others. In my school we are learning to tolerate different people. This should be shown in other schools


I feel unheard, in a way that I just don’t feel them. I don’t feel them really hearing me. They don’t understand my need; they expect something from me which I’m not able to give them. I feel unnecessary, I feel that me is not there me. In other words, they want me to be who I’m not. Take things seriously, things which I don’t really care about, and the things that I care about are just things they don’t. Why do I realize this now? I’ve felt this my whole life. Felt like if she was always better, she was always used to be compared to me. Feeling the pressure to be like her blocked me from trying hard to persist to my dreams, keep on fighting for what I believe in and most importantly be myself. Why do I always feel the need to satisfy the rest? How come I never do things for me? Before I do any type of task I think about them, I think about making them happy trying to be who they want me to be. Yes off course they always use the excuse that its always for my well-being, that they always try to do the best for me. But has it ever crossed their minds that maybe my happiness in some cases might matter, and might even be more important than their priorities. What type of soup have they used to make this bubble, this bubble that I’ve tried to pop and run out of, but it’s just not possible? Something is not letting me, and that is them. Will they ever be more understanding? Will they ever be happy with who I am? Will they ever be satisfied for the things I do? Or might I just give up, and became a follower, a follower who is not a leader. A follower who pertain to orders, and is easily swept and pressured by the crowd? Someone who won’t make an impact in life? Is that who you want me to be?


What are friends for? A friend is someone you can count on, whether its something good or bad. They should always support you on what you do, even though they might not agree with it. Friends should tell each other everything, they should have the ability to trust one another. Friends should always help each other and make the right decisions even though one might not think its a right choice. Having friends is the best quality one has. Meeting friends all over the world is great, I met many people in camp from all over the world, and I still keep in contact with them. Talking to your mom is not the same as talking to your best girl friend. For example I tell everything to my best friends they are twins, and I know that they will always be there for me, and they know I'll be there for them. Having male friends is also a good idea. If you have a problem with a boy friend they can help you on advice, and on things that girls might not think about. Having friends is ideal for a great future. Each other we'll lead us through a path of success and peace. 

Chao Venezuela

Its really hitting me now, having to leave my country is going to be harder than what I thought. Venezuela's the most amazing place. The people are extremely sociable, and there are really nice places to go visit like the beaches. I've lived in this wonderful place all my life and I'm proud of being a Venezuelan. It makes me who I am. Not only having to leave Venezuela, but leaving C and I. that’s going to be the biggest challenge of all. They are my two "twins",  my two best friends. Apart from them leaving my mom and dad. Leaving my mom and dad here is going to be hard,  leaving my bed, my home, home-made food, and  my school. My school is quite important to me, it contains many valuable memories, and its showed me to be a complete different person. The preparation of applying to an independent/ boarding school is very hard. I need to study for the SSAT's which are really hard. Not only that but researching each school I'm applying to is also difficult. I need to have a base of knowledge before my interview. I just had one interview and it was pretty challenging. Is there someone out there that could help me with what I should expect from a Prep-school interview?